I see you - you're tired of jumping on the exercise wagon only to burn out a few months later.

Or maybe you...

  • Have trouble staying consistent with exercise because nothing feels sustainable or enjoyable amidst your real freaking life.
  • Have meaningful health and fitness goals like increased energy, balanced hormones, improved body composition, and mental health stability...but working out feels like such a chore.
  • Want an EDGE to your athletic training that already lives within you.

Let me tell you something that I wish I knew YEARS ago, when I was at constant war with my body:

The female body already has the perfect blueprint for sustainable, effective exercise that feels GOOD.

Hi, I'm Courtney! I'm a Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer, Women's Fitness Specialist, and mom of two.

As a former competitive athlete, I NEVER knew that movement is supposed to serve ME instead of ME serving it.

When I started exercising according to the four phases of my menstrual cycle, the game changed FOREVER.

In my signature program, I'm teaching you how to do the same - on your terms.

We are NOT the same every day of the month - not even every week!

Most women's fitness programs are designed for men - but in pink.

Female physiology is unique because we have four distinct hormonal phases each month: follicular, ovulatory, luteal, and menstrual. These phases have a direct impact on our performance, muscle growth, recovery, mental state, and so much more.

Working WITH these shifts allows us to:

  1. Work smarter, not harder (meaning we optimize workouts, not add more) for the same or better results
  2. Have a tool for LONG-TERM consistency, allowing us to reap the full extent of what movement can do for us
  3. Stop dreading our workouts and stop feeling guilty for resting
  4. Have programming that MAKES SENSE for the female body...finally!

But don't take it from me...

Listen to what KBM Academy alum, Madison, has to say!

What's Included:

+ 4+ hours of beautiful video lectures and demo videos
+ A step by step walkthrough of creating your custom cyclical workout planĀ 
+ Unstoppable, the 12-week strength training program
+ Journals, trackers, planners, cheat sheets, and DFY templates
+ Access to the exclusive KBM community for continued support
+ Bonus lessons on nutrition and hormone balance


Refund policy: due to the digital nature of the course, refunds are not available and all course purchases are final.

Healthcare discount: if you are a healthcare provider, teacher, or first responder, please reach out to me for your 15% off coupon code!