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KBM Academy + Unstoppable Bundle
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0.1 Welcome & My Story (1:55)
0.2 How the Course Works
0.3 KBM's Fitness Philosophy
Module 1: Foundations
1.1 Your Cycle Is Your Superpower (16:11)
1.2 Hormones 101: The Major Players (28:06)
1.3 Stress + Overtraining (12:04)
1.4 Human Movement (20:00)
Module 2: Fitness for Your Phases
2.1 The Menstrual Blueprint (9:32)
2.2 The Follicular Blueprint (9:06)
2.3 The Ovulatory Blueprint (10:56)
2.4 The Luteal Blueprint (13:50)
Module 3: Implementing The Keeping Balance Method
3.1 Period Periodization - Part One (9:00)
3.1 Period Periodization - Part Two (20:51)
3.2 Resistance Training (6:39)
3.3 Adapting Workouts & Programs (7:51)
3.4 Cyclical Cardio (16:43)
KBM + Beyond
KBM + Hormonal Birth Control (16:20)
Estrogen + Orthostatic Intolerance
Nutrition + Hydration
Wrap Up
Thank you! (1:39)
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