So you want to start syncing your workouts to your menstrual cycle...

but you KNOW you deserve an evidence-based AND customizable framework that actually WORKS, right?!

Picture This: 📸

You work out all cycle long in a way that gives your body EXACTLY what it needs, because you have a flexible strategy that is built for your physiology.

You’re making progress towards your fitness goals despite having a hectic schedule, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, or a lack of fitness experience.

You’re forming an incredible relationship with your body because you finally understand what she’s been telling you all these years. It’s like you cracked the code!

Sounds like a dream, right?!

Except it's not! Like all goals, it's just about strategy and having the right tools.

Maybe you...

  • Have trouble staying consistent with exercise because nothing feels sustainable or enjoyable amidst your hectic + exhausting schedule.

  • Have meaningful health and fitness goals like increased energy, balanced hormones, or improved body composition...but traditional approaches reek of diet culture. #hardpass

  • Tried working out before, but your workouts always left you depleted, dreading the next one, and even further disconnected from yourself, leading you to wonder...

Spoiler alert: 🤫

Your body isn't the problem. In fact, you are absolutely right that regular exercise is the best gift you can give yourself.

So...why isn't it sticking?!

Because as a cycling woman, it's highly likely that you've been holding yourself accountable to a male standard.


The KBM framework marries the science of your hormones with foundational fitness practices. The result? Personalized fitness for YOUR body and YOUR goals (not a one-size fits all approach) from a Certified Women’s Fitness Specialist who’s been there.

The four phases of your menstrual cycle (yes, four!) provide you with the perfect blueprint for a sustainable fitness routine that gets results. And KBM teaches you exactly how to do that - no matter what workouts you love most.

That means you can use your menstrual phases for:

  • Performance
  • Maintenance
  • Building
  • Recovery
  • Healing
  • Consistency
  • Fertility

...WITHOUT being told that: 🚫

  • you can only walk in your luteal phase
  • we all have the same 24 hours
  • abs are bad for women and lifting is too masculine
  • go hard or go home
  • being a woman is a burden
  • no pain no gain

I'm one of those women, too!

Hi! My name is Courtney, and I’m a Registered Nurse, Certified Personal Trainer, and Women’s Fitness Specialist.

As a former competitive athlete, my lifestyle as a working mom was no longer agreeing the the intense workout schedule I was used to. In fact, it contributed a lot to my autoimmune disease, adrenal dysfunction, lackluster energy, and total dis-satisfaction with my body. I could never understand why some weeks I made incredible progress, while other weeks I could barely rep my warm up weight. I felt like I was losing the athlete I used to be.

When I was pregnant with my second baby boy, I knew I had to do something different. When I came across new research pointing to the hormonal implications for women’s fitness, a massive lightbulb went off: what if there was a way to work WITH my body instead of against it?

But don't just take it from me...

In KBM Academy, you get all the secrets behind what makes KBM’s fitness programs so good and so effective.

This is the complete KBM playbook.

That includes:

✅ Cyclical cardio
✅ Cyclical Progressive Overload
✅ Adapting for birth control and irregular cycles
✅ Video walkthrough of creating your one-year KBM calendar
✅ Cyclical nutrition strategies

By the end of the course, you’ll:

  • Know exactly how to plan your workouts up to a year in advance
  • Confidently stay active all cycle long to reach your personal goals
  • Have a new definition of consistency and ban “burn out” from your vocabulary
  • Be able to decode your specific cycle patterns and know how to support yourself through each phase

"But Court...what about the workouts themselves?"

That's the beauty of the Membership bundle: you get to immediately implement what you learned with ONE YEAR of cyclical workouts from the KBM app!

With the Academy + Membership Bundle, you get:

  • The online course curriculum to master your cycle and it’s impact on you in the gym
  • The KBM framework for planning one year of cyclical workouts that’s individual to you
  • One year of access to the cyclical workout vaults on the KBM app so you can just tap and go (that’s why I’m the personal trainer, not you!

Membership workouts are:

  • Home friendly
  • Use minimal equipment
  • Can be done in 30 minutes or less
  • Have a variety of workout styles

And there's more...

Ready to get started?

Join now and save $100 when you bundle the Academy + Membership!

I'm three years strong with cyclical fitness - the most consistent I've EVER been.

I created KBM programming for myself first, but I realized after a few years that the rest of the world would be a happier place if ALL women had the power to live in alignment with their cyclical nature. The physical transformation has been nice, but the mental transformation quite literally saved me after years and years of disordered eating and a resentful relationship with fitness. Body literacy was my gateway, and now I'm putting everything I WISH I had into KBM - from the lens of a nurse, the skill of a personal trainer, and the heart of a mother. I'm so honored to have you on this journey with me + over 2,000 KBMers from all over the world (18 countries and counting!)

Refund policy: due to the digital nature of the course, refunds are not available and all course purchases are final.